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The Art of Turning

  • Dancify 11 Eikenga Oslo, Oslo, 0579 Norway (map)

Tango turns, or giros, serve many different purposes. They create a contrast to linear movements. They can give a feeling of continuous movement and speed in confined spaces. They can be used to change direction and navigate on the dance floor. They can change the dynamic by accelerating or decelarating or use centrifugal force to give a feeling of vertigo. There are many different ways and methods of turning, around the leader's or follower's axis, or with a shared axis. And for each of the turns there are different techniques that can be used to accomplish different results in terms of speed, style and expression. Last, but not least, turns are fun!

However, turns can be tricky. They depend on a strong individual technique for both leaders and followers, but also require a good connection and timing with your partner. In this seminar we will see a variety of turns with planeos, lapices, enrosques and sacadas for leaders and followers, and practice the technique you need to execute them in different ways. Having a wide vocabulary of different turns, in both directions, with different techniques, gives you the freedom to follow the energy in the music, even on crowded dance floors, whether you are dancing a tango waltz or a D'Arienzo variation.

Sign up now to learn new turns and new techniques for the turns you already know.

Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Turns are technically challenging, so you should already have a good grasp on the basics of leading and following, walking in parallell and cross-system, and dissociation. More advanced students will benefit from learning and practicing different techniques to change dynamics in turns, and intermediate students will expand their repertoire of turns to both sides for leaders and followers.


Thursdays at 20:15


Eikenga 11
0579 Oslo
3rd floor, Studio 2


7-week class: 1750kr
Student price: 1200kr

Sign up now!

Please note that because of the current situation, we can only accept sign-ups in pairs/couples, and there will be no change of partners during the classes. Additionally, we are limiting the amount of students in each class depending on the space of our dance studio, to make sure we can keep a safe distance and comply with the guidelines from local health authorities.

Earlier Event: August 19
Tango technique for followers
Later Event: October 21
Tango technique for followers